29th World Conference of Therapeutic Communities

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29th World Conference of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC), will be organized by the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC) and the Brazilian Federation of Therapeutic Communities (FEBRACT) with the support of several institutions, will take place from December 13th to 15th, 2024 at Expo D. Pedro in Campinas - SP, Brazil, the central theme will be "Therapeutic Communities driven by ethics and principles"

29th World Conference of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC) is an international event that takes place every two years, bringing together professionals and beneficiaries of Therapeutic Communities from around the world. The goal of WFTC is to promote knowledge sharing, understanding and collaboration among participants.

Participating in the 29th World Conference of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC) is a great opportunity to update your knowledge, catch up and make new friends!

Deadlines !

Submission of Abstracts: May 31, 2024 to July 31, 2024

Discounted registration:
May 1st until July 31st, 2024 (2nd Batch)

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